Our Community

Right around the corner

Conveniently located on the west edge of Columbus, Hilliard is just a few minutes north and the rest of the city is accessible via I-70 and I-270. 

A part of the city

Columbus, Ohio is a growing and vibrant midwest city. Home to college and major league sports teams, COSI, North Market, as well as numerous conventions and festivals all year-round.

A bit of nature

Our neighborhood features a city park nestled within our homes with swings, play equipment, picnic tables, and wild trails in the woods.

The city’s Metro Parks are scattered all around the area, including the newest, Quarry Trails, just 5 minutes away.

Our children make us great

Children (K-12) who reside in Trabue Woods attend Hilliard City Schools or Southwestern City Schools, depending on the location of the home.  Hilliard boasts a rating of 8 (out of 10) on the public schools’ test, according to GreatSchools. Southwestern City Schools is the sixth largest school district in Ohio with 61% receiving grades from A+ to B by the state (2009 report card).